
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Rain in Maine

We woke up Monday (Oct 7th) to a wet, windy morning with very dense fog. We had planned to walk the Marginal Way, a paved mile-long, scenic footpath along the Atlantic Ocean in Orgunquit. Since it was so foggy and wet we decided to first drive into York to tour "The Museums of York" which are a group of nine restored historic buildings. We were disappointed to find they are closed on Mondays, but we did walk around and peek in the windows of Jefferd's Tavern (1750), the Old Gaol (1719), the Emerson-Wilcox House (1742), and John Hancock's Wharf (1787).
Jefferd's Tavern
The Gaol (Jail)
I ran into this big guy while window peeking.
The Emerson-Wilcox House
Random building by the docks:)

We also took a walk over the Barrell Mill Pond Dam and the Wiggley Bridge despite some misty rain.
Barrell Mill Pond Dam
The Wiggley Bridge
Foggy mud flats

Next we drove over to Sohier Park to take some pictures of the "Nubble" Lighthouse. The sky opened up and it started to pour. We instantly got soaking wet! It was really nice to be able to climb into the camper and change into dry clothes, and we had an early lunch while we waited for the rain to let up.
The "Nubble" Lighthouse just before it started to pour.
When the rain eased up, the fog was back.

Since it was still raining, we decided to drive to Wells to the Antique Auto Museum to see their display of antique cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and toys. When we arrived we found an old boarded up building. The sign was out front, but it looked like it had been abandoned for some time!
The rain stopped so we headed to Orgunquit to the Marginal Way. The town of Orgunquit is a popular summer resort on the sea with picturesque inns and specialty shops. There seemed to be flowers everywhere as well as colorful fall displays and pumpkins. Parking was at a premium, though, and we ended up having to pay $12 to park in a lot.
Those are REAL pumpkins and they were ENORMOUS!

We enjoyed our walk along the paved trail with the rocky seashore on one side and resorts, inns, and private homes on the other. When we started out it looked like it would rain again, but by the time we headed back the sun was making a brief appearance.
Some blue sky!
Lots of wind and rain during the night.
At 2:00am we woke to a knock on the door, "Police! Open up!"

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