
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chiricahua National Monument

We enjoyed spending the morning (Monday, October 1st) exploring Chiricahua National Monument. The Chiricahua Apache called the pinnacles in the park "standing up rocks". We drove the Bonita Canyon Drive and hiked the short Massai Point Trail at the end. We also hiked to the Echo Canyon Grotto enjoying the scenic views and the columns, pinnacles, and balanced rocks along the way. Even though we had to watch our step on the uneven trail, it was pleasant and cool in the shade of the rocks.

Bonita Canyon Drive
This huge rock formation is called "Cochise Head". You can see the face of an Indian lying on his back looking at the sky. His chin is to the left.
In Echo Canyon Grotto
Organ Pipe formation
We stopped in Wilcox for gas and groceries, then crossed into New Mexico. We were headed for Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument. Between Silver City and Gila there was about 40 miles of forested mountain road that was paved, but very narrow, and constantly winding up and down and twisting side to side with S-curves and blind hairpin turns. I would have liked to take a picture of the road but it wasn't safe to stop. We were going quite slow because you couldn't see what was coming in the opposite direction. Fortunately there wasn't much traffic because the half dozen cars we did encounter seemed to come barreling around the curves heading right toward us. Mark was able to pull to the side each time . . . but we were glad to reach Gila Hot Springs where we stopped at a campground for the evening. It was 5pm and the monument had closed at 4pm.

Gila Wilderness Area
We are in the Gila Wilderness Area in a valley with no phone or internet service. The small campground has electricity, showers, and grazing sheep. Since we have electricity tonight, we gave Mark a haircut. He was looking a little shaggy.

We plan to go to the monument tomorrow. Mark says he hopes it will be worth the drive to get here. We'll let you know:)


Soaptree Yucca

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