
Monday, October 1, 2012


On the road today we listened to a CD of our church service from August 26th . . . Great music and a wonderful sermon by Pastor Jerry Postema. I am so glad we have it on CD so I will be able to listen to it again.  

We stopped in Tombstone, Arizona, today. It's kind of neat to see people in vintage old west costumes and authentic stagecoaches on the streets. It still has the look of a wild west town, but it's definitely commercialized and touristy. We walked up and down the street a couple of times and took in one of the gunfight shows being promoted by the costumed characters. It was okay, but not great. Maybe one of the other ones might have been a better choice. We also toured the historic Tombstone Courthouse.


Driving from Tombstone to Chiricahua National Monument, Mark commented on how flat, dry, and desolate the countryside appears, even though it was interspersed with many, many acres of irrigated farmland. I saw corn and what appeared to be cotton.


It was only about 3pm when we arrived at Chiricahua, but we were both tired and decided to stop at the Visitor's Center and then check in at their Bonita Canyon Campground and relax for the evening in a nice shady campsite. We'll explore the park in the morning.


1 comment:

  1. Very pretty stagecoaches. Looks like a neat town to visit.
