
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Monday we headed for Santa Fe on scenic Hwy 84. We are continually in awe of God's beautiful creation.

Santa Fe is a picturesque town resplendent with adobe architecture, street vendors, and colorful art displayed and sold everywhere.

We took an informative and interesting 75 minute Loretto Line trolley tour of the city. We also visited three beautiful, historic churches . . . The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi,

the San Miguel Mission Church constructed of adobe by the Tlaxcala Indians under the direction of Franciscan priests in 1610,

and the Loretto Chapel with the miraculous circular staircase to the choir loft. This famous staircase was built for the Sisters of Loretto by a mysterious old man who arrived during the Christmas season of 1879. He used only a hammer, a saw and a T square and it was held together with wooden pegs, not nails. It is an architectural masterpiece, making two complete 360 degree turns with no center pole and no visible means of support, perfectly balanced, with the entire weight on its base. When it was completed, the old man disappeared. The staircase originally had no bannister, although one was later added.

We left Santa Fe at 2:30pm and headed to Bandelier National Monument, an archeological area preserving ancient ancestral Pueblo sites. We found a campsite in the Juniper campground, then drove down into the Frijoles Canyon to the visitor's center. From there we hiked the the Main Loop Trail to the remains of the Tyuonyi pueblo, the cliff dwellings and Long House, and then on to Alcove House (ceremonial cave). It was SOOOO COOL!!! We were able to walk ancient footpaths, climb ladders into cave dwellings, examine the foundation of stone homes and descend into a ceremonial kiva. On the way back to our campsite we were treated to a beautiful sunset over the mountains. Wow, what a day!


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