
Thursday, September 27, 2012


On Wednesday morning (9/26), we left The Grand Canyon behind. We were planning on stopping in Flagstaff to ride the scenic ski lift at The Snowbowl and also tour the Riordan Mansion, but we found both were closed on Wednesdays, so we continued south and took Rte. 89A through the beautiful Oak Creek Canyon. On the winding descent into the forested canyon, we passed a couple lovely acres blanketed with yellow wildflowers. I would have loved to stop and take a picture, but there wasn't any safe place to pull off the road.

Slide Rock State Park was a fun place to stop! There on the red sandstone by the water's edge visitors can sun themselves or be entertained by the adventuresome crazies who brave the frigid, ice cold water of Oak Creek as it rushes through a slippery natural slide before tumbling over some short rocky waterfalls. You might recognize one of the 'crazies' below . . .

Sedona is an attractive town reveling in sunshine and artistic displays -- sculptures and statues throughout the town and impressive red rock formations surrounding it. We strolled briefly through town and then drove to some nearby lookouts to enjoy the scenery. We also hiked up the curving drive 500 feet to the Chapel of the Holy Cross to gaze out over the town and surrounding Red Rock Country.

Chapel of the Holy Cross
Southwest of Sedona we camped for the night at Dead Horse Ranch State Park where we enjoyed water and electrical hook ups as well as shower facilities. Two showers in two days -- that's quite a luxury!


1 comment:

  1. Way to go Mark! Not saying that I would have done it, but it looks fun! :) Nate read this post to the kids and they had fun seeing "Papa" in the water. Matthew kept calling him a "crazies" like it was an actual term used for people who do what he did. Ha!
