
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Canyonlands National Park

     This morning (9/27) was cold and threatening rain as we left our campsite on the Colorado River and drove to Canyonlands National Park.  Our first stop was the Shafer Canyon Overlook.  The view was incredible.  Mark went back to the camper for the umbrella to protect the camera from the rain that began to fall, and a few rumbles of thunder made me a little nervous out on the rocky overlook, but the vista spread out below was breathtaking.  
Shafer Canyon Overlook 
       From there we drove out to Upheaval Dome which may be the sight of a meteorite collision with earth (scientists aren't sure).  It was a strenuous but fairly short hike up to the rim.  We left the camera in the truck because it was raining fairly hard when we started out, but thankfully the rain let up as we hiked.       We also stopped at the Green River Overlook and the Buck Canyon Overlook as we continued through the park.  Every overlook had spectacular views.
Green River Overlook
Buck Canyon Overlook
       The Grand View Point Overlook was a busy place and we hiked a mile along the rim to the Point and back with several others.  We heard many different languages spoken by visitors from other countries.  
Grand View Point Overlook
       When we left Canyonlands we drove a short distance to Dead Horse State Park.  Dead Horse Point Overlook has amazing views of the Colorado River.  
The Colorado River
Dead Horse State Park
       Utah is a beautiful state . . . A showcase of God's amazing creation!  

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