
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area

     This year we are exploring Utah on our Fall trip.  We left home on Wednesday, September 20th in the late afternoon. That evening we were treated to a fantastic light show (about an hour) surrounded by continuous lightning. We stopped at the Visitor's Center just inside Iowa for the night. The camper, blasted by wind all night, rocked and swayed and our step stool was gone in the morning. Although we searched the rest area for it, it was no where to be found.  (The wind probably carried it all the way back to Michigan:)  As we traveled west and crossed Iowa and Nebraska the temperature was in the 90's and we were driving into a fierce headwind (causing extremely poor gas mileage!) The state of Wyoming brought a drastic change in temperature (in the 30's) and a forecast of snow. Although we avoided the snow the temperatures have remained cool.  
   Today (Saturday) we crossed into Utah and explored the first place on our itinerary: The Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area and the Sheep Creek Geological Area.  Then we stopped for the night at the Walmart in Vernal. Here are a few photos from today:

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