
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Little Wild Horse Canyon

     Today (9/26) we explored our first slot canyon, Little Wild Horse Canyon, just outside Goblin Valley State Park.  A slot canyon is a very narrow canyon with high walls which make it extremely hazardous in stormy weather due to the danger of flash floods.  The entrance to the canyon was full of water so we climbed up the rocks along the side and then down into the canyon a little further in where it was dry.  The next time we encountered water was in a very narrow section of the canyon and the only way to proceed was to go through it for about 20 feet.   Mark was wearing shorts and waded ahead.  The deepest part was halfway to his knees.  I really didn't want to get my shoes, socks and jeans wet and was hesitant to continue.   While Mark was checking ahead to see if there was more water around the bend, another hiker appeared.  His name was Robert and he wasn't keen on getting wet feet either.   He worked his way OVER the water by bracing himself between the canyon walls and moving along like spiderman.  He encouraged me to try it but there was no way that I was strong enough.  I ended up on Mark's back as we squeezed laughing and stumbling through the narrow walls of the canyon.  We continued on for quite a ways until we encountered a longer stretch of water.  Robert and I sent Mark ahead to check it out since he was already wet.  It kept getting deeper and deeper, though, so when it reached the bottom of his shorts he decided it was time to turn back.  We retraced our steps and returned to the parking area about 3 hours from the time we had started out.  It was a fun morning.  
Little Wild Horse Canyon
Wading through the water
Spiderman Robert  
More water
       We said good bye to Robert and after lunch we headed in the direction of  Arches National Park.  We took a scenic route along the Colorado River and stopped at Fishers Tower,  a rock formation seen in some hollywood movies. 
Fishers Tower
        There were several small campgrounds along the way that seemed to be full, so we decided it would be prudent to stop early and find a place for the night.  The third place we stopped we got the last available spot.  All evening people were driving through looking for a place to camp.  Usually when we travel this time of the year we have no problems finding a place for the night, but that might not be the case this trip! 

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