
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Special Family Tradition

     We have a wonderful family tradition.  The Vriesman Family Weekend.  When our kids were growing up we went to Cedar Point.  Every year.  The whole family.  Marks's Mom and Dad (Mema and Bapa),  brother Greg, his wife Sue, and their 3 kids.  Mark and I and our boys.  Sometimes even brother Dann.  We piled into 2 cars and headed to Ohio.  We slept Friday and Saturday nights in the Maumee Red Roof Inn and spent all day Saturday at the amusement park.  From the anticipation-filled moment the gates opened in the morning . . . until closing time at the end of a fun-filled day as we dragged our weary selves towards the exit . . . carrying sleeping infants and pushing toddlers in strollers or nudging along reluctant-to-leave adolescents . . . "Just one more ride?" . . . we had such a good time.  And we always had a hearty breakfast at Bob Evan's on Sunday morning before heading home to Michigan.
     Over the years the family has grown and expanded and we still enjoy a Vriesman Family Weekend.  Bapa and brother Dann stay home where its quiet; but Mema, Greg & Sue, Mark & I, our children, and our children's children all continue the tradition of spending a family weekend together.  We haven't been to Cedar Point as an extended family since the birth of the first grandchild (Mema and Bapa’s first great-grandchild), but we still spend a special weekend together.  For the past several years, we have rented a cottage in Holland the weekend after Labor Day with a view of Lake Macatawa and walking distance to Lake Michigan.  

September 2012

     This September we spilled over into a second cottage to prevent the first one from bursting at the seams with 15 adults and 12 children.




There is always lots of laughter, food, and good conversation. 

We have fun being together . . . walking to the beach, playing in the sand and water, watching the sunset.

The beach in 2007 . . .
. . . And 2011

Mark is the only adult braving the cold water on a foggy  September beach day.

Mema often brings a craft for the children . . . 

Painting t-shirts in 2013

     . . . And the kids always amuse us with a play or two.  This year they did a very entertaining performance of “The Sneetches” by Dr. Seuss and also a hilarious “Yertle the Turtle”.

Mema, "The Sneetches" narrator

"Now, the Star-Belly Sneetches had bellies with stars. The Plain-Belly Sneetches had none upon thars."

Sylvester McMonkey McBean

"Yertle the Turtle"

It seems every year there’s at least one televised football game with rowdy audience participation . . . 

Chest Bump!


Just a little excited . . . Michigan beat Notre Dame:)

. . . And the weekend wouldn’t be complete without our annual family pingpong tournament.  

David is the current reigning champ (2 years in a row:)

Good times and great memories.  
Years from now we’ll fondly say, “Remember when . . . ? “

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