
Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Historic Village of Weston

Although the temperature was mild, Saturday (21st) began overcast and foggy, became partly sunny, and ended with some rain.

We started our day with a hike in the woods on the CCC Trail at Calvin Coolidge State Park. It was pretty cool to discover chunks of Vermont marble partially exposed along the path . . . Something we weren't expecting to see.

That white rock is marble!
More marble . . .


Then we drove from Plymouth to the small village of Weston, Vermont which is on the National Register of Historic places. It was a very pretty drive on winding country roads with the colors starting to change.


In Weston we toured the Farrar Mansur house which was built by a young couple named Oliver and Polly Farrar in 1795 and is now the village museum. There are beautiful murals on the parlor walls hand-painted by LeRoy Williams in 1934 which depict life as it was in Weston in 1825. We both thought the murals were amazing.


We also toured the water-powered gristmill and tinsmith's shop.

There were several artists out painting the historic buildings.


Just down the road is the Vermont Country Store, a favorite stop for tourists because of the plethora of interesting items for sale including wonderful, yummy made-in-Vermont food items with lots of free samples to taste.


Our next stop was Manchester, a very pretty town where the Lincoln family home at Hildene is located. We arrived at Hildene an hour before closing and it was starting to rain, so we decided to stop for the night and tour Hildene on Sunday when we would have more time.

We spent the night at the Emerald Lake State Park.


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