
Saturday, September 24, 2016

A Day's Delay

     We were going to head to Acadia National Park today (September 24th) but realized it was a Saturday which is probably the busiest day of the week there.  Since we are hoping to find a campsite in or near the park for a couple of nights, we decided to delay a day and arrive on a Sunday when weekend campers would be checking out.   Soooooo . . . . . .      We spent the day going to the Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Observatory, Fort Knox State Historic Site, the Dyce Head Lighthouse in Castille, and a flea market we happened upon.
Penobscot River
      The Penobscot Narrows Bridge has an unusual design which includes the Observatory at the top of the west tower.  From there you can view the surrounding countryside, the river, and Fort Knox down below.  
Penobscot Narrows Bridge
Looking out through the glass windows at the top of the Observatory
View of the river from the Observatory
Looking down at Fort Knox (on this side of the river)
       There are two forts in the US named after Major General Henry Knox, America's first Secretary of War.  One Fort Knox is located in Kentucky and the other is in Maine.   Constructed of granite that was quarried on Mt Waldo, the Maine fort has the shape of a pentagon.  

       We happened to be there on a day in which Civil War reenactors were demonstrating the firing of a canon.  It was LOUD :)  
Civil War Reenactors
Ready . . . Aim . . .
       The Dyce Head Lighthouse (1828) is an active navigation aid in Castille, Maine.  The lighthouse is attached to a private residence.  It seems like it would be difficult to have tourists wandering around your yard all summer, but the Dad and kids were outside playing ball and said it wasn't a problem.  He said they've lived at the lighthouse for three years.
Dyce Head Lighthouse
       The plan is to head to Acadia National Park tomorrow!            

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