
Monday, September 19, 2016

No Sun on Sunday, but the Rain was Welcome . . .

     We woke to rain this morning (September 18th), but that's okay.  Maine has been experiencing drought conditions, so the rain was a good thing.  We worshiped with the small, but welcoming congregation of the Bath United Methodist Church, and the pastor gave thanks for the much needed showers.      After church when the rain let up, we drove to the Popham Beach State Park.  The tide was starting its way back in toward shore. Mark removed his shoes, rolled up his jeans, and carried me on his back across some incoming rivulets of water so that we could walk way out onto the sand bar.  A young couple approached from the opposite direction heading back towards the parking lot.  When they saw the way had become blocked by water, and me riding piggy back, they laughed.  The young woman, slender and pretty with long dark hair, was wearing knee high rubber boots and SHE proceeded to carry HIM piggy back across the flowing water that now blocked their return.  I should have taken a picture.  It was so unexpected and quite entertaining.  Oh, to be young and strong!
     We also stopped at the nearby Fort Popham State Historic Site. Fort Popham, a Civl War era fort, has guarded the entrance to the Kennebuc River since its construction began in 1861. 
Across the bay from Fort Popham
      After leaving the fort, we drove to Reid State Park and hiked a mile out through wooded areas and along the lagoon and salt marsh to Todd's Point for spectacular views of Mile Long Beach and waves crashing on the rocks.
Walking to Todd's Point
The lagoon
Saltwater marshes
Geese in the marsh
Todd's Point
Mile Long Beach
  We are parked for the night at Shaw's Supermarket in Wiscasset.  It's a beautiful, well-stocked grocery store with friendly employees who welcomed us warmly when we inquired about overnight parking.  We often boondock (take advantage of free overnight parking) with the on-the-move, sightseeing travel that we do.  Our truck camper is equipped with propane for the stovetop, refrigerator and heater, a battery to run the lights, and 30 gallons of water in our freshwater tank.  Since leaving home on this trip we've also spent the night at a Sam's Club (Erie, PA), Park N Ride (Hillsboro, NH) and Walmart (Falmouth, ME).         For anyone interested in taking advantage of free overnight parking when traveling, we highly recommend the following two apps which we have on our iphone and ipad        Overnight RV Parking - maintains a database of free parking locations in the US and Canada         Allstays ONP Walmart - identifies Walmarts that allow overnight parking        Although we take advantage of free overnight parking when we can find it, we also stay in traditional campgrounds, especially when we feel the need for a nice, hot shower!

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