
Friday, September 30, 2016

Tea with Eleanor Roosevelt

     September 29th was sunny and cold.  We drove to Lubec and across the Roosevelt Memorial Bridge to Campobello Island in Canada.  When we passed through customs we were told we must surrender our pepper spray gun and extra cannisters because pepper spray is illegal in Canada. Who knew?  Goodbye $75.  
View from the Roosevelt Memorial Bridge
       On the island we toured the summer home of Franklin D. Roosevelt.  Though large, the 18 bedroom house is not ostentatious, but well-suited for a home with children. The house is part of the Roosevelt Campobello International Park which is owned and operated cooperatively by both Canada and the U.S. 
FDR's Summer Home ~ Having some repair work done on the front.      
View of the water from the house.       
One end of the long living room.
Master Bedroom
Dining Room
       The highlight of our visit was "Tea with Eleanor".  At teatime (3:00pm) we were treated to delicious ginger cookies and bottomless cups of tea.  We spent a delightful hour and a half learning about Eleanor Roosevelt's fascinating life, the things that were important to her, and her love for people.  Two wonderfully passionate and interesting ladies, Carolyn and Debbie, regaled us with stories of Eleanor, who they obviously admire greatly and hold in high esteem.  Mark was dreading the "tea", but afterward said it was very informative and had we skipped it, we would have missed the flavor of the place.    
Tea with Eleanor
He's so excited about having tea :)
Debbie and Carolyn ~ Our Wonderful Hostesses with a gift for storytelling
      After leaving Campobello Island we drove to the West Quoddy Head Light Station which is located on the eastern most point in the USA.  
West Quoddy Head Light Station

       We spent the night at Cobscook Bay State Park where a site with NO hook ups was $32.70 for non-residents. 🙁

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